"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.
Jennifer Mitchell
People Works, Inc.
1. The child should start reading easy books first and difficult later on.
2. The child should start regular practice everyday for short period.
3. The child should rapidly read the content material as he will read a Rapid Reader. A slow reading will not serve the purpose.
4. Fix up the target of time and content and then start reading. Try to grasp the sense and do not stick to difficult words.
5. The child may mark out the way new words and try to have a mental picture about them. He will gradually improve his vocabulary.
6. The eyes of the child should move more quickly on the lines of the content material. Eyes should not be allowed to go back after a sentence or a line is read.
7. The eyes should take the net line of the content as soon as one has been read.
8. The subject-matter should be read silently without any movement of lips.
9. A record of progress should be maintained. This will enable the child to asses his achievements and plan for the future as well.
My family
My name is Orgil. I’m 17 years old. This is my family. There are my father, my mother, my younger brother and me. I live in Arkhangai province. My father’s name is Tsoggerel. He is 38 years old. He works in a secondary school. His profession is a teacher. My mother’s name is Oyungerel. She is 38 years old. She works in a secondary school. Her profession is a foreign landuage teacher. My younger brother’s name is Munkh-bold. He is 16 years old. He studies at high school. That is my family. I love them.
My friend
I have many friends. Also, my best friend is Onon. He is 17 years old. Now, he studies at the University of Humanities. I'll describe him. He has got short and curly hair. He is tall and thin. His eyes are brown and his nose is small. His hobby is playing basketball and table tennis.
About my home town
I live in a pretty house near the centre of Arhangai. Arhangai is a lovely province in the centre of
About my family
Hi, there!
My name is Bayanmunkh. I’m 16 years old. There are four of us in my family. My father Batsaikhan is 40 years. He is an engineer. My mother Munkhtuya is 40 years, too. She is a businesswoman.My brother is Lhagvasaikhan aged 9, and of course me. I live in Erdenet, but now I live in my brother’s place. There are 4 of them in their family. My brother is Burenbadrakh. He is a geographer, my sister Otgontsetseg is a businesswoman, my brother is Tamir, aged 5 and there is the little man, his name is Khangai he is about 6 mounths.
In my summer vacation, I always go to the my grandmother’s home. She lives in Murun,Khuwsgul. It is so nice there. And my nephewsand nieses come, too. When we are together we’re very funny. Their names are Anar,Nomin,Michidmaa and Bolor-erdene. We play basketball, football, volleyball and so many Mongolian traditional games. Last summer I went to the Khuwsgul dalai. It was so nice there. I worked there about 1 month. I had too many friends. The Mongolian, American and French. I was the waiter of Nature's door tourist camp. Next summer, I will go there. At midnight Khuwsgul dalai was very beautiful. There were stars, moon and wind.
Have you been to Khuwsgu dalai? If you hadn’t been you must go there.
In my free, time I like going for walk, playing, sleeping and listening to music. I like listening pop and hip hop music, by the way I babysitting the little man. I love him. He is very . . . I forgot the that word. I like Micheal Jackson. Because he dances well and sings well. On my weekend I like sleeping all day. Sometimes, I meet my friends. I had too many friends, boys and girls. But I don’t have a girl friend. I am a bit lazy man. I don’t want being a lier. I want to help my friends who need help.
I love horses, dogs, and birds. Because they are very beautiful, and I don’t like snakes and cats. I am not scared of them but I don’t like them. The most people don’t like some animals. Because they are scared of them. I’m not. Sometimes, I like dreaming if I were a bird. If I were a bird I would fly all over the world and never be boring.
UNIT 5-6
1.Варшавт ямар хүйтэн байгааг та гадарлахгүй.
2.Өнөөдөр цас ихээр орж иймд хүүхдүүд бээлий өмссөн байна.
3.Өнөөдөр салхитай ба бороо орж байна.
4.Хүүхдүүд шинэ жилийн модоо чимж байгаа учир тэд их баяртай байна.
5.Парагад өнөөдөр цаг агаар ямар байна вэ?
6.Сингапурт өнөөдөр хэдэн градус байна.
7.Тэд одоо багшийг сонсож байна уу?
8.Тэр одоо англиар бичихгүй байна.
9.Би наран шарлагийн газарт наранд шарж байна.
10.Британд цаг агаар бороотой гэхдээ өвөлдөө бас маш их хүйтэн ба салхитай.
11.Би өвөлд хамгийн дуртай учир нь би цанаар ихэвчлэн гулгадаг.
12.Танд хэр их сүү хэрэгтэй вэ?
13.Түүнд хэдэн лууван хэрэгтэй вэ?
14.Түүнд ямар ч өндөг хэрэггүй.
15.Та жүржийн шүүс гахайн махан хавчуургатай талх авах уу.
16.Бразилчууд найзуудтайгаа,гэрийнхэнтэйгээ цуг хооллох дуртай.
17.филлипүүд будаагаар ба хан боргоцойн сүүгээр амттан хийдэг.
18.Пицца, хиам зэрэг түргэн хоол финландад их алдартай.
19.Таны захиалгыг авч болох уу?
20.Би гамбургер авч болох уу?