Thursday, October 7, 2010

Units 7-10

Writing an essay about Mongolia and its future

Unit 10 “Citizens 2050” /future tenses/

Can you imagine what our lives will be like in the year 2050? Perhaps you will be flying off for a holiday on the moon, or may be taking your dog for a walk in virtual reality. We recently carried out a survey of 1000 people from different countries to find out what they think life will be like in the future. The result clearly demonstrate both our hopes and fears.

The survey suggests that friendship –one important human relationship –will have changed dramatically. People will make friends through the internet. What is more a large number of people will even come across their future husbands or wives in this way. Computer will have become absolutely essential by 2050. Even now some people describe them as their best friend! Others, however, say that we will become much more isolated from each other because will have little real human contract.

Education will have changed a lot too. As more and more children will be using computers in school, certain abilities, such as mental arithmetic won’t be
necessary since there will be computer programs for most calculations. Even writing by hand will be a thing of the past.

According to the survey, home life will be better. Most people believe that by 2050 robots will be doing the housework and we will be eating ready ready-made food. A lot of people think that we might only cook for fun in the future.

Space exploration will become increasingly popular. Fifty per cent of the people we talked to believe that man will regularly visit Mars. They also believe that travel on our own planet will probably change. Almost everyone thinks that there will be no cars in the city center. Some even think that environmentally-friendly electric or solar-powered cars will have replaced the cars we use nowadays.

Pollution is some thing that seems to worry many people. Some fear that it will continue to get worse, and that our planet will become impossible to live on. Others even foresee that one day we’ll have to pay for clean air just like we do now for clean water.

On the other hand, people seem to be quite optimistic about the benefits of genetic engineering, as they think scientists will use it to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS. If scientists manage to find a cure for these, we’ll have much healthier society.

Some people worry about the future, while others are full of hope and enthusiasm. No matter how dark or bright it may seem , it is up to us to look after our planet and try to make it a better place to live.

New words: survey - судалгаа, санал асуулга

result, suggest, dramatically, isolated, human contact, abilities, calculations, space exploration, increasingly, environmentally-friendly, replaced, nowadays, fear, optimistic, society

Unit 9: In the Land of Pyramids

The pteranodon let go of James, but instead of falling through the air, he began to spin slowly , then quickly, as if he were being controlled by some super natural force. Everything was black , but didn’t remember closing his eyes. Suddenly, there were horns blowing and people cheering. He was sitting in the middle of a road, and an army of men riding horses were coming towards him, so he quickly got out of the way. As /=while/ he was brushing the dust off his clothes, he saw that all the people around him were wearing strange robes, with sandals on their feet.

He looked around at the buildings and realized he was in ancient Egypt. The army passed, and Anony and Cleopatra, riding in chariots, were led up to the steps of the palace. When the professor heard Antony call Cleopatra the “Queen of the kings”, he knew that the year must be 34 BC.

A crowd of people had gathered around James. They started touching the brown suit he was wearing, pointing at his shoes and looking at him in wonder. One man , who was short and fat with dark curly hair , asked him if he was a Roman. When he said no, the man asked him what he thought of Antony and Cleopatra’s friendship. “Well, I happen to know that their relationship will end in disaster. Octavian will attack, Egypt will be defeated , and Antony and Cleopatra will commit suicide. ”

“Traitor!, Traitor! ” the man shouted.

Guards who had been standing nearby came and grabbed him. He tried to explain that he was only telling them what he knew about history, but no one was listening. They rushed him off to the royal palace to explain before the roman general and the queen why he had spoken out against them.

Cleopatra was sitting on her throne wearing a long golden dress, while Antony was sitting by her. He was wearing a sliver and red roman military uniform. James , who was being held by two guard, couldn’t believe he was actually standing before Antony and Cleopatra. The fat , curly haired man was there explaining what the professor had said, and Antony was listening patiently.

“And why do you think such a disaster will come to Egypt ?” Antony asked.

He tried to explain that he had traveled back in time from the future so he knew what would happen, what that only worked agent him. Antony was sure the professor had lost his mind, and he asked Cleopatra what they should do with him.

“Feed him to the crocodiles ,” she said casually.

And so it was done. The professor was marched out to a place by the river Nile where crocodiles waited for enemies of the throne to be thrown into the water.
Hundreds of a people were standing behind him screaming ,”trai-tor!tria-tor!trai-tor” Antony and Cleopatra shoot to the side of the crowd in a golden chariot. Two guards held the professor by his arms. He begged them to spare his life, but as soon as Antony gave the signal , James was thrown into the water.

Spin-эргэн очих
Horns- б
Dust-тоос дарах
Strange-сонин, хачин, гайхмаар
үндэсний хувцас, дээл
Touching-уярам, холбогдуулан
Friendship-найрамдал, н
Disaster-гай, зовлон, с
Attack-халдлага, довтлогоо
Suicide-амиа хорлох
Grabbed-булаан авах, ш
үүрэн авах
Roman general-Ромын генерал
Against-эсрэг тулах, тулж м
Throne-хаан ширээ
үнс хооллох тэжээх
үй, хайш яш
үйл явдал өрнөх

Unit 8. "Hard times"


I moved to London with my family a month ago. I haven't made any new friends yet and I miss my old friends. I'm going to start at my new school next week but I don't want to. I'm afraid my new schoolmates will tease me because of my accent. I think I'll be miserable there. I want to go back to my village. What can I do?


I am a working mother with a two-month-old son. My house is very far from my workplace. If I carry on working there, I'll miss out on the pleasure of spending time with my son. I'm thinking of applying for a part-time job in a place which is much nearer, but if I get the job, I'll earn a lot less money and I'll have no chance of promotion. Could you please help me?


I am 65 and I have always been kept busy with my shop, but I will be retiring in February, so I'm not going to have anything to do. I am an active person and it will be impossible for me to sit around the house. If I spend my time just going on pensioners' trips or walks in the park, I'll feel useless. Any ideas?

1. The best thing you can do is to stop worrying. There are so many things you can do to feel useful. How about taking up a hobby which you never had time before? You could also do some work for charities and help others with your experience and abilities.

2. You ought to think about what is best for your family. If you can afford to live on less money, then you should apply for a part-time job. This will be much better for you because you'll have more time for your son. Alternatively, if your present work has got a child-minding centre for its employees children, I strongly advise you to stay. In this way, you'll be close to your son and you can also seek promotion. Hope this advice is of some help to you.

3. I don't think you should worry so much. Why don't you join a gym? You'll make lots of friends there. If I were you, I wouldn't be afraid of starting of the new school. If you go there with a positive attitude, I'm sure that everything will be OK.

schoolmates, miserable, workplace, miss out on, part-time, chance, active, useless, charities, afford, Alternatively, strongly, positive attitude

Unit 7 "A ghostly welcome"

Lightning flashed across the sky, followed by the crash of thunder. George Phillips was driving carefully along the narrow country lane. It was late at night and he was looking forward to reaching his hotel. Suddenly his car engine died. He tried to start the car again, but nothing happened.

‘’Blast! he said angrily. Up ahead in the distance he could see a light coming from a castle. He got out of the car and ran quickly through the pouring rain towards the huge building.

George reached the castle’s big wooden door and rang the bell. The heavy door slowly creaked open. In front of him stood a young woman. As she looked up at George her face lit up. ”Oh, please come in out of the rain,”she said. George thanked her and entered a big hall, introduced himself and explained what had happened. She told him that he was welcome to spend the night in the castle and led him into the library. A big crackling fire was burning in the fireplace. George went to warm himself in front of it. The young women offered to make some tea and left the room.

George had been standing there for a few minutes when he heard a voice behind him. “Good evening. I’m Mrs McDougall. My daughter told me we had a guest. Please,have a seat.”

Soon afterwards the daughter came in. She was carrying a silver tray with large teapot and three china cups. After they had finished their tea, Mrs McDougall offered to show him to his room. George was following her up the huge staircase when he heard her weeping.

“Is something wrong?” he asked her.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered as /=when/ tears ran down her wrinkled cheeks.”it’s just that you remind me so much of my husband. I haven’t seen him for ten years.” The wind was howling outside and George felt a chill run down his spine.

When George woke up the next morning, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. He had slept very well night before and felt refreshed. He put on his clothes, and went downstairs to thank the two women. He had been looking for them for some time before he realized that he was alone in the castle. He wrote a note thanking them for their kindness and returned to his car. To his relief, when he turned the key the car started with roar.

Ten minutes later, George stopped at a cafe to have breakfast. As /=while/ the waitress was filling his coffee cup she said, “That was a terrible storm we had last night, wasn’t it” George nodded and took a sip of hot coffee. He told her that, as his car had broken down, the McDougalls had put him up for the night in their castle. The waitress looked at him in amazement. “But that’s impossible!” she exclaimed. “Nobody has lived in that castle since Mrs McDougall and her daughter died in a car accident ten years ago!” George stared at her in disbelief and, trembling with shock, dropped his coffee cup onto the floor.

Car engine died- машины мотор унтарсан

Creaked open-чахран онгойсон

Stood- зогссон

Lit up- гэрэлтсэн

Hall- заал, коридор

Welcome- урих

Voice- хоолой

Staircase- шат

Whisper- шивнэх

Howling- улих

Chill run down his spine- нуруу нь хүйт оргих

Refresh- сэргээх

Looking for- хайх

Realise- ойлгох, мэдэх

To his relief- санаа амраах

Amazement- гайхалтай зүйл

Exclaim- ууога алдах

Drop- унагах

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