Monday, October 18, 2010

Grammar review 1-10

Unit 1:
- Linking words - pp. 7, 46, 63 Pres.S; Pres.Cont
- like, enjoy, love, hate+ 'V+ing'
- to be : slim, slender, tall, plump, well-built; responsible, decisive
to have: hair, eyes; strong views on life
Unit 2:
- Relative clause : who, which, whose+'N'
- /to be + / always, usually, sometimes, often, occasionally, rarely, hardly ever, never + 'V'
- Forming adjectives : beauty + ful; danger + ous, rain + y
Unit 3:
- Time words pp 16, 28 Pres.Perf; Pres.Perf.Cont; Past.S; Past Cont
- for - турш; since - аас эхлээд
- Time Clause: when, while - as
Unit 4:
- so + 'adj'; such (a) + 'N' - that ....
- ADVICE pp. 21 - ex 18, 37; pp 109-110 V+to+V; V+V; V+'V+ing'
- Prepositions of direction; in, on ...
Unit 5:
- Conjunctions ; when. while, so, then ...; Sequence of actions;
- to be/ to feel + 'adj'-ed - Feelings: :) :(
- Avoiding repetitions ing - ing
Unit 6:
- Time words Past Perf; Past.Perf.Cont
- Modals
- Comparison: more/less
Unit 7:
- Past event - Past tenses
- Conjunctions
- Feelings: :( :)
Unit 8:
- When; while ... Future: will+'V'; to be going to +V; Pres.Cont in Fut
- if /when; will; if not = unless/
Unit 9:
- Reported speech = All tenses;
- said to me; told me ; p.107
- Word order
Unit 10:
- Linking words /between words, sentences and paragraphs /
- because = since Future Continuous; Future Perfect
- by 2050

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